Greetings! Welcome to my website "A Word In Season". My name is Elaine Tavolacci. For those of you that don't know me and those of you who are not Christians, this is NOT a "Religious" website neither do I belong to a denomination or a movement. True Christianity is not about religion. Religion is a man-made doctrine of religious theology and tradition. True Christianity should be led by the Holy Spirit and taught by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is about knowing Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and Savior and having a personal Supernatural relationship with the one and only living God.
Each week I share a Prophetic Word that the Holy Spirit puts on my heart for the body of Christ for Exhortation, Edification, Comfort, Encouragement, Revelation, Inspiration, Direction, Correction and Prophecy. These words could be found on the "Prophecy" page on this website. You are also welcome to subscribe to the weekly Word in Season on the "Contact Elaine" page. Thank You!
As the year 2024 comes to a close, we can look back and reflect on the triumphs and the challenges we've faced. We've experienced our share of happiness and heartaches, but through it all, we've grown and learned. Many people are looking forward to 2025 with anticipation and great expectation. As we ring out the old and bring in the new, we wonder what the Lord has in store for us this upcoming year. Will there be wars, rumors of wars, feast or famine, or will we experience the greatest revival the world has ever seen?
The Lord brought me back to a dream that I had in 1984, just a few days before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In this dream, my mother came up to me and said, "The reason why you dream of water so often is because you want to go back into my womb and be born again."
I didn't understand what that dream meant at the time, but a few weeks later, I was born again and began to understand the reality of the spirit realm. Although I didn't see any differently, I knew that my spiritual eyes and ears had been opened.
I was one of the fortunate Believers who found a Spirit-filled church right away and learned the uncompromising Word of God. Not long after, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. I learned the power of the Word of God and how to walk by faith. I was taught how to hear Jesus' voice through reading His Word. I found that there are countless ways that He speaks to us. Some of the ways are through dreams, visions, enigmas, metaphors, impressions, and parables.
In the coming year, many of you are going to experience Jesus in a new way. He is going to take you on a journey. As you recommit to the vision that you once had and pursue the dream that once fueled your passion, the Lord will ignite a deeper revelation of His Word within you. It will be as fire shut up in your bones (Jeremiah 20:9). You will have a renewed zeal when you read the Word of God. He will impart wisdom and download profound insights. The more you pursue Him, the more you will have an awareness of His presence and walk in the Spirit.
He's calling Believers to re-evaluate their lives as they come into this new season so that He can take them into the fullness of what He has for them. This is a time when we need to examine ourselves and walk circumspectly, correcting any area that is in error. We need to look at our priorities, our habits, and our relationships. It's a time to reflect on what's working for us and what's not. It's a time to make adjustments and cut off every dead branch that is not bearing fruit. As we get our lives lined up in the natural realm, then He will manifest in the spiritual realm.
Some Believers will be restored back to their first love. They knew the Lord but somehow drifted away. Some have gone so far off that they don't know how to get back from where they've fallen. They need to simply repent and get back in the race. He will stir up a hunger for the things of God that they once knew. Many prodigals who have strayed will be coming back home, and others will discover the ministry of what the Lord has ordained them to do.
The Lord is raising up men and women to be His representatives. They will be ministers of every style, age, and race. He does not judge them by their appearance, neither does He judge them by their past, because He called them from their mother's womb. He has anointed their voice to speak with boldness and authority. When they are under the anointing, their words pierce even the hardest of hearts. They will be used to transform the lives of many.
"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.'" (Mark 16:15–18)
The Lord is empowering a generation of giant slayers who are courageous leaders like King David. He was a warrior and a worshiper. He slayed the lion and the bear and defeated Goliath. These brave and skilled warriors will be drawn from every tribe and background. These valiant fighters will be just as the men of Gad who were trained for battle and could handle a shield and a spear. Their faces will be like the faces of lions, and they will be as swift as gazelles on the mountains.
They will be like the Benjamites, who were ambidextrous and sharp shooters. They were fiercely loyal to their spiritual tribe and leaders. The Lord will personally equip His warriors' hands for war and their fingers for battle. The Kingdom of God will advance, and we will see a great harvest in the years to come.
"And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, 'The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!'" (Judges 6:12)
"Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the wilderness. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains." (1 Chronicles 12:8)
The Lord is about to do extraordinary things in the coming year. A great awakening is on the horizon, and I believe that 2025 is going to be a year of a great harvest. Many people will turn to the Lord, and many prodigals who have wandered will return to their faith with a renewed commitment. Things will begin to happen that will cause some to look for answers, and Jesus certainly has all the answers.
As we transition into the new year, we need to seek the Lord for direction. Every new season requires a deeper level of understanding. It requires fresh wisdom and revelation. When the Lord advances us to a new place or ministry, He will bring alongside us those who are like-minded, who share the same vision and operate at a similar level of spiritual maturity. They will become valuable allies in our journey.
Breakthrough is on the horizon for many, ushering in a new time of freedom and victory. The oppressive weights that have held you back will be lifted, and you'll emerge from this season stronger and more resilient. You'll be able to discern the voice of the Lord with precision, and will be able to make decisions that align with His will for your life. Those of you who are in ministry will experience a fresh anointing that will enable you to impact the lives of others.
Some of the people who tried to curse you will get convicted and repent. Like Israel, when Balak was unable to curse them through Balaam but instead blessed them, you too will be blessed. Remember how the Lord even spoke through Balaam's donkey to correct him? God can use anyone or anything to bless us, and bring His will to pass. There's no need to pass judgment, and no reason to retaliate; the Lord will be your defense.
"I sleep, but my heart is awake; it is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, 'Open for me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one; for my head is covered with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.'" (Song of Solomon 5:2)
As we step into 2025, Song of Solomon will hold a special significance. Jesus has been highlighting to me the vital importance of intimacy with Him. He is beckoning us to move beyond a superficial relationship, into a deeper connection with Him where we will receive personal encounters. In this place, He will tell us His secrets and reveal His heart to us. We can't be used by God if we don't spend quality time with Him.
Several times I've shared a prophetic dream where I had a profound encounter with Jesus. The dream was incredibly vivid, and I was caught up in His anointing as I came face to face with Him. When I woke up that same anointing was upon me. It was so weighty that I knew it was an actual impartation.
Some of you are going to receive dreams and encounters from the Lord in the days ahead. All you need to do is make a New Year's resolution to deepen your relationship with Him. Yes, Jesus is truly alive in 2025!
"By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought him, but I did not find him. 'I will rise now,' I said, 'And go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.' I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, 'Have you seen the one I love?' Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go, until I had brought him to the house of my mother, and into the chamber of her who conceived me."
(Song of Solomon 3:1–4)